upgrading internet and equipment for multitasking

upgrading internet and equipment for multitasking

  • Saving Money on Your Internet Bill

    If you require being able to get online within your household, chances are you have signed up with an Internet provider so you can use their service when desired. If you have a broadband Internet service, and you wish to keep your bill at the lowest level possible, there are a few tricks you can use to try shaving money off the amount owed to your Internet provider. Here are some tips you can use to keep your Internet bill from escalating higher than you wish to pay.

  • 5 Tips For Faster Wi-Fi In Your Home

    In this day and age, most people rely on Wi-Fi in their home to stay connected to the Internet with their laptops, cell phones, and wireless devices. Unfortunately, some people may find that their Wi-Fi doesn't always work as well as it should, which can be quite frustrating. If your home Wi-Fi is lagging in speed, use the following tips: Make Sure that You Have the Proper Internet Service Internet speeds are improving year after year, and consumers have a number of options when it comes to different Internet service packages.

  • Why Sharing IT Resources Is Good For Your Small Business

    You want to keep your staff focused on the products and services that make your small business successful. But the technology on which you rely takes time away from your staff and a part of your budget that you could use elsewhere. Sharing technical resources with other companies through the colocation model allows you to work with state-of-the-art environments maintained by people outside of your business. Here is how this process works to help your small business stay focused on the areas important to its success.

  • Choosing A Data Center: A Facility Checklist

    If you've decided to use a data center to protect your information, you may be unsure what to look for in a facility. There are a few basic things that any good data center must provide; here are some of the common items to look for on your data center checklist.  Secure Building The first thing to look for in your data center is a secure building with limited access. Only owners of the servers and authorized users should be able to access the server room.

  • About Me

    upgrading internet and equipment for multitasking

    When I made the decision to begin working from my home office on a full-time basis, I knew that there were going to have to be some changes to our home. I would have to set some restrictions about the telephone, Internet and noise levels that everyone would have to abide by. They all did great about staying off of the telephone and staying quiet, but getting three kids and a spouse to stay off of the Internet during a set time during the day was impossible. We boosted our Internet connection and upgraded the equipment and now, everyone can use it at once. Find out what can be done here on my blog.
